‪Wrestle Kingdom has become a worldwide success and WWE has taken notice. ‬

‪WrestleMania for over 30 years has been the mecca of professional wrestling where fans have traveled from all over the world to see the granddaddy of them all. ‬

‪But recently WrestleMania’s have received complaints of fatigue and being too long due to 7 hour plus show runtime. ‬

‪Wrestle Kingdom for the first time ever held their annual mega event over the course of two days, with shorter shows on both days fans seemed Less fatigued and WWE has taken notice. ‬

‪WWE has had this discussion before in 2017 and are again bringing this topic up again at meetings. ‬

‪WrestleMania 36 takes place April, 5th and plans are bring discussed for WrestleMania 37 or 38 to possibly begin as a two-day event. ‬

With future WrestleMania’s being a 3-4 hour day one show and 3-4 hour day two show it would also give each competing superstar more time for their matches and more opportunities to women’s matches.

With three brands and a huge roster of superstars a WrestleMania two-day event would be ideal to make sure WWE has enough time to feature everyone on the card.

Stay tuned to Slice Wrestling for the latest updates.


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